Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Paring Down

I have too much STUFF

STUFF that crowds me, and has been making me feel more and more claustrophobic the last few months. STUFF that's accumulated during my NINE moves over the past six and a half years. STUFF that's bringing me only anxiety and clutter. Not to mention all this STUFF is going to be a pain to move.

In November I gave away four huge bags of clothes I no longer wear, and it felt great! Some things were hard to part with, but it was also really rewarding to clear out so much space and also know I might be helping someone.

I don't move into my apartment until this weekend, so until then I'm going to be going through all my STUFF, paring down, throwing away, and donating. I'm going to keep things I use and things to which I'm emotionally attached; but everything else is getting the boot.

In a few days I'll post a picture of the mounds of STUFF I'm getting out of my life!

Peace and Blessings,


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