Monday, March 4, 2013

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today is my 23rd birthday!

Every year I look forward to the next birthday because the number is bigger, people will take me more seriously, I'll be older and more experienced. My whole life I've been in a headlong rush toward my definition of importance.Then on my birthday, when I get there, that new number seems small again; I still feel young and incapable of slaying the dragons in my life.

I still feel like the little girl who loved to dress up in a bonnet and apron like Laura Ingalls Wilder.
I still feel like the tween who wasn't comfortable with her own body or personality most days.
I still feel like the teenager at boarding school, searching for her independence and making many, many wrong turns along the way.
I still feel like the college girl, striving to make new friends, falling in and out of love, and determining my priorities
I still feel like the recent grad, trying to make a name for herself in the professional world.
Well, I guess that last one still applies

I've always assumed that as I grew older I would feel different at different ages; many things about me have changed since I was younger, but so much about me has stayed the same. I feel like the same person because in many ways I am the same person.
I'm am often times insecure and unsure of how to rein in my awkwardness, I will probably always stay up into the wee hours of the night reading, and I continue to seek love with reckless abandon.

But I've also come to realize my priorities:
The last two years have sent me on a journey toward a real relationship with Christ. I was given a helluva wake-up call around my 21st birthday, and I couldn't be more thankful for the bad times that led me where I am.
I actively seek to be a blessing in a way I never have before
I truly want to help people, and I've realized that my gifts of sympathy and compassion, along wit make Birmingham the perfect place to start; there is so much need, right in my back yard.
I am in the process of conquering my fears of judgement. So many people just want love. I can love.
In a few months I will be marrying the Earthly love of my life. I am so excited about our life together, and the prospect of our service to one another and to the Kingdom of God.

During the season of Lent, instead of my usual "read through the New Testament," I am using the Lenten reading/prayer guide given to me by Trinity UMC. Today's reading was Psalm 23; one of the most familiar chapters in the world. Verses 1-4 have been heard so many times by Christians and non-believers alike that it has almost become cliche.

"The Lord is my shepherd" Yadda yadda (No blaspheme)

But today was the first time I've ever read the second half. Why is that? Why do we stop after the first half? It's just the best, and regarding all the love and blessings in my life, it just couldn't be more spot-on.

You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. 
Psalm 23: 5-6

The last few years have brought me an incredible outpouring of blessings; the cup of my happiness just seems to keep overflowing. I'm sure the Lord has so many more in store for me during my 24th year on Earth!

I also want to thank each and every one of you for your birthday wishes and prayers! I have rarely felt so blessed and loved.

Peace and Blessings, Y'all.

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