My first post! I just hope I can make this blog as fabulous as Mrs. Priss
This is a place for me to vent, talk about the Alabama State Legislature, give and receive advice, and generally keep track of my wonderfully busy life.
So day #1, and this will include a general overview of how most mornings go:
My alarm went off at 6:30, but I didn't roll out of bed until 7:05; because for some reason I think my hair will take less time to dry this morning than any other morning..... great logic, right?
I stumble to the bathroom, cut on the shower, jump in and out before it turns cold (which gives me about 5.7 minutes aka not nearly long enough) wash wash wash, rinse, shave, rinse, wash face, shoot this is getting cold, cut it off, dry. Moisturize, get dressed, brush teeth, dry hair.
At this point the hardest part is over. I have ridiculously thick hair, it takes forever to dry... after I straighten it into submission-unless it's raining which makes this venture useless, it's make up time!
This morning everything was going great until at 8:05 I was on my hands an knees searching for my other brown pump. For some reason, I only have 2 pairs of brown shoes in Montgomery (2 others in Tuscaloosa at the moment) and only 1 pair that go with the outfit I'm wearing today. After cursing and scrambling for five minutes I decide to go investigate my trunk.
It was there, along with 2 pairs of boots, an empty purse, a Dr. Bentley for Governor road sign, one birkenstock sandal, some flip flops, a tripod, a quart of oil, an umbrella, and a 12 pack of Diet Dr. Pepper.... Sheesh! I keep my car spotless, which obviously means "let's throw everything in the trunk so you can fit into my backseat"
Now I'm at work, only 1 minute late, answering phones while the committee meeting is going on upstairs (GO Dr. Bentley!)

Oh yeah, minus my phone and healthy lunch UGH!
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